Q&A #2 smartkat

Q&A #2 smartkat

Where can I sail my Smartkat?

You can sail your Smartkat almost anywhere.

The Smartkat is a certified boat according to the CE classification in category D (inland or protected coastal waters: for boats in small lakes and rivers with winds up to force 4 and wave heights up to 30 cm) and category C (inshore: for boats operating in coastal waters and large bays and lakes with winds up to force 6, up to 27 knots, and significant waves up to 7 feet high).

Where can I sail my Smartkat?

You can sail your Smartkat almost anywhere.

The Smartkat is a certified boat according to CE classification in category D (inland or protected coastal waters: for boats on small lakes and rivers with winds up to force 4 and wave heights up to 30 cm) and category C (inshore: for boats operating in coastal waters and large bays and lakes with winds up to force 6, up to 27 knots, and significant waves up to 7 feet high).

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